Wednesday 6 July 2011

Application of Bax Normilasation in Saudi Arabia: The how!

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"

    In this article, Stephan Bax explained in detail what CALL (Computer-assisted language learning) is? , how important is to use it in classrooms, and that it should be normalized. He suggested imperative to plan for this normalized state first and then move towards it. Bax mentioned some steps to reach that, first, identifying the critical factors that normalization required. Second, auditing the practice of each teaching context in the light of these criteria. Finally, adjusting our current practice in each aspect so as to encourage normalization.
    In Saudi Arabia, in some schools especially in Riyadh technology is integrated throughout the curriculum to enhance and support learning. Students who study in these schools find the classroom management and the learning experience very enjoyable and effective. Hopefully, all schools in Saudi Arabia will start using technology in classroom soon.


  1. I wish that soon will see CALL used in most of the schools.

  2. Hello
    I liked what you wrote about the article. And how you used Riyadh as an example as Saudi students we all need to check whets new in the technology world. Thank you for taping this part of the article and using this example.

  3. Hi,
    Nice and brief explanation. I hope that it will be used in our schools.
